Darkness is constantly attempting to convert people to harming others as a way of life, showing that suffering is extremely vivid and painful if we don’t start being dishonoured, deceptive, and opening room for promoting hatred culture. Being part of such a culture represents the diagnosis of a community related to Nazism and any other past ideology where segregation of ranks, slavery, and the brainless actions of a brainwashed belief that considers themselves as superior race gets conditioned to lock consciousness somewhere within. I, personally, cannot accept anything from someone who is threatening my life by constantly imposing a conditioned ideology that says I’ve to accept a place as an inferior being, who hasn’t got the privilege of not being a slave. If my karma is to keep reincarnating, generation after generation, to care about life as the ultimate goal, supporting the abolition from darkness and hatred culture, so be it. Cultivating the beautiful light we’ve deep within, caring about life as the ultimate goal, and being totally aligned with our love nature, are the foundation for supporting a way of life of a creature of love who keeps consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. Let’s just be light and kneel before the tyranny of darkness no more.

Slavery. The foundation of hatred culture and imposition of darkness for “teaching” people their place in the society we’re part of. The important questions here are: Who has decided where “our place” is in society? Is that place already established by some God who has decided what group of people is considered superior race, and what isn’t? Using reasoning to think about those questions—while keeping consciousness at hand—leads us to the conclusion that anything besides considering people as equals makes no sense. No one, absolutely no one, can impose such an ideology that hatred is at the roots of an unfair and deceptive society. Every single time I start thinking about that, I always reach the same conclusion: It doesn’t make sense promoting slavery and not considering people as equals. I suggest you think about that on your own to understand that even if you fall in the group of people considered “superior” and “privileged”, you become just a slave of your own suffering, which has been conditioned to harm other lives, whether humans.

It’s extremely important we attain the clarity of mind required to understand that hatred culture isn’t a way of life. There’s no need to accept “our place”. “Our place” is where we’ve decided to be, and no one has the rights to keep imposing that we cannot stay where we’re, study what we’ve decided to study, practise the religion we’ve decided to practise, or consider everyone as equals, treating people with honour instead of being harmful and deceptive. No conscious mind accepts such an imposition. 

In the eyes of darkness and hatred culture, not accepting “our place”---in the way it has been imposed—is considered a disease, in a similar way the Nazi party considered people of “inferior race” a source of a disease that needed to be exterminated, culminating in the atrocities observed during the Holocaust. Let’s never forget that.

The moment we realise that keeping consciousness at hand isn’t—and it will never be—a disease, it’s the moment we understand that performing our body and mind training, cultivating and nurturing the beautiful life we’ve deep within, is a way of getting prepared to face darkness and prevent anything similar to what has happened during World War II from happening, again and again. If the dress isn’t the same, it doesn’t mean we’ve a different figure before us. Let’s use our third eye to clearly see what happens in the present moment in a conscious and meaningful way.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1E7DxyAqbdGPdoMRgIW_2NE9K5rXw4dRq/view?usp=drivesdk

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