Finding the source of our inner strength is fundamental to wake up the hidden and unlimited power we’ve deep within. Consciousness becomes the key for understanding how our body and mind work, making the connection between the later and the former solid, robust, and resilient against the presence of darkness in the surroundings. If negativity isn’t controlled, ruled, and tamed, it becomes a weakness that makes our unconscious mind get on the driver’s seat with no permission granted. It’s not so good for our strategy of stepping into our personal evolution in a conscious and meaningful way. We need to use and channel all negativity we’ve contact with in our favour, transforming that negativity into knowledge, wisdom, mind resilience, and physical strength. The moment we realise how to do that, it’s the moment we understand how to walk the path towards a meaningful life closer to becoming totally aligned with our love nature, and attaining higher levels of peace of mind no matter the circumstances.
Dealing with the presence of darkness in the surroundings requires learning how to play with the trickster in different scenarios, conditions, and circumstances, using our consciousness as an advantage to see every single situation through the lens of our third eye instead of using the lens of our naked ones. It requires training for doing that, and we’re the only ones capable of mastering such a technique within our own perspective and relativity.
Let’s always remember: there’re no free lunches when dealing with the presence of darkness in the surroundings. There's always a reward, and it’s better we find out what such a reward is in order to understand why it has been placed anyway. However, let’s neither create expectations nor get attached and obsessed to uncover things. Instead, it gets much more beneficial to us performing our body and mind training, stepping into our personal evolution, and getting prepared to deal with the unknown and anything related to what life presents to us in the present moment.
Let’s be brave and light, getting totally aligned with our love nature in a conscious and meaningful way.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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