Forgive but never forget. When we read such a sentence and use a literal, unconscious, and conditioned interpretation, we may end up storing wrong and negative information of something that should provide us priceless pieces of knowledge. Let me give you an example. If we’re walking through nature within an environment with trees and grass, and out of the sudden a snake appears and bites us, what should we remember from such an episode? And, more important, what priceless piece(s) of knowledge could we extract from that? Focusing on suffering and negativity leads us towards forcing and conditioning ourselves, e.g., into never walking through a similar environment again, never having contact with a snake, attempting to kill every snake we see, and so on. Those are easy picks for avoiding knowledge acquisition and a deeper understanding of what has just happened. When we don’t use our consciousness and inquisitive mind to understand the scene, realising, e.g., we have stepped over the snake’s body before it has attempted to bite us, we would never learn if we’re whether entering an environment that is home for other animals, where we should have more care while keeping consciousness at hand to walk through.

Consciousness. We need to keep consciousness at hand to prevent being deceived by beliefs and illusions we’ve contact with in the environment we’re inserted into. It’s through the power of our mind that we can properly use priceless pieces of knowledge extracted from a scene we’re part of for adapting our current life-style strategy, facing darkness and dealing with any source of negativity we’ve contact with.

Awareness. Being aware and awakened to what happens in the present moment gives us superpowers, enabling a clear observation of both good and bad things popping up and interacting with us during our daily activities. Jumping into conclusions before performing a conscious and clear observation usually leads us towards traps and deceptive scenarios.

Peace of mind. Attaining higher levels of peace of mind complements the duty of keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances. It’s by attaining higher levels of peace of mind that we can properly choose actions we need to perform in different situations, mainly the ones posing any risk or threat to our life and the lives of innocent and defenceless people. Tough decisions get much easier to make when attaining higher levels of peace of mind.

Love. Let’s cultivate and nurture the beautiful light we’ve deep within, being totally aligned with our love nature to manifest love towards the self and others. Let’s remember love is what makes us stronger, sustaining a vivid and bright source of light to prevent darkness from growing towards us, no matter the circumstances.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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