It’s crystal clear that darkness is established on top of dishonest, dishonoured, and deceptive behaviours, which are orthogonal to a caring and sustainable environment a conscious being is looking for, cultivating, and promoting. Thus, it’s extremely important that we start acquiring knowledge to become less and less dependent on civilisation and technology, which means that we need to learn technology at the same time we learn an alternative way of doing the same thing if such technology isn’t available. It’s by cultivating and nurturing such an inquisitive mindset that we start appreciating nature more, being not afraid of getting out of civilisation if required to our own survival and care, boosting our intrinsic ability of attaining higher levels of peace of mind in a conscious and meaningful way.

It’s essential we get prepared to live without any facility civilisation has to offer, understanding we’re capable of doing extraordinary things on our own, enabling us to build a new civilisation we would like to live in, where the technology we develop is created to help human beings instead of harming them. When we keep consciousness at hand we get prepared to deal with dishonest, dishonoured, and deceptive people with our own bare hands, which is the minimum level of survivability and sustainability we need to learn in order to fear the presence of darkness in the surroundings no more.

Darkness will never stop. Thus, we need to be prepared to surpass any barrier, difficulty, or challenge imposed in a conscious and meaningful way, understanding there’s no room for negotiation while an imposition that violates any of our fundamental rights is under the table. If we need to create a new civilisation, where the care about life as the ultimate goal gets vivid in the centre of new communities established, it’s exactly what conscious beings need to do. If we’ve all the resources at hand, it gets much more beneficial to establish a new environment where darkness has no permission to enter.

The moment we realise we always need to be prepared for the unknown, it’s the moment we understand that if the majority of us were conscious enough for doing so, we would be in a higher evolutionary stage where building pyramids would be a kindergarten activity a child would love to play with.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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