It’s essential that we find out how to perform our body and mind training no matter the circumstances we’re in at the present moment. Getting prepared to face the unknown is everything when we’re surrounded by the presence of darkness, implying a huge amount of negativity we’ve to deal with in the environment we’re inserted into. It’s fundamental we establish a strong and resilient foundation to support walking the path towards a meaningful life, understanding we’re more powerful than we can imagine while keeping consciousness at hand. Darkness may be strong but we’re stronger if we’re focused on heading towards total alignment with our love nature and the universe itself.
Let’s recognise how astonishing we’re, implying a huge motivation to step into our personal evolution in a conscious and meaningful way. While facing darkness we may disregard such an important recognition, which establishes a proper foundation to attain higher levels of peace of mind, enabling us to tap into the unlimited power we’ve deep within, fearing the presence of darkness in the surroundings no more.
It’s also important to realise and understand that if darkness is in the surroundings it’s because we’re doing something of high quality and standard, which has a huge potential to be an important contribution—directly or indirectly—to humanity. Let me give a small example of that. If we’re living in an environment where people have no interest in either acquiring knowledge or education, and we’re the opposite, always trying to get knowledge and enhance our own education, we get targeted for being different from the negative conditioning imposed. Let’s remember that the less educated people are, the easier it’s to manipulate them.
Let’s start thinking why people are getting disturbed and jealous about our progress and success in any part of our life. The moment we realise that, it’s the moment we understand the type of negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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