It’s extremely important we understand darkness is dishonest, dishonoured, and deceptive. Thus, we need to perform our body and mind training to deal with dishonest, dishonoured, and deceptive people who don’t hesitate to harm us. We need to strengthen our mind in a way that we can deal with unbelievable and unimaginable situations such as having something like the Ant-Man, who can go to atomic level, causing some type of harm within our body. If we prepare our mind to be resilient against that hypothetical and extreme scenario, we can deal with anything, which includes life and death situations. We just need to focus on being totally aligned with our love nature, and therefore, being prepared to care about life as the ultimate goal.

The foundation of tapping and manifesting our unlimited power is all within our mind. We just need to establish a peaceful state of mind we use for strengthening and sharpening our body in a way we can deal with any situation, which includes the extremes. We need to think very carefully of how our body works. It’s all about our immune system doing the hard work of protecting our body against anything causing a threat to the way it’s functioning. With such a priceless piece of knowledge at hand, we need to focus our training in acquiring full control of our immune system through our conscious thoughts.

Training our immune system to follow our conscious thoughts isn’t easy, and mastering it requires hard work and clarity of mind to realise and understand there’s also another higher level to step into. The good news is: the higher the level of control we’ve on our immune system, the stronger our body vessel becomes, getting us prepared to deal with anything no matter the circumstances.

Let’s just keep performing our body and mind training, facing the presence of darkness in the surroundings, and attaining higher levels of peace of mind in a conscious and meaningful way. The stronger we become, the easier it’s to deal with anything aside from our love nature that poses a threat to us. We just need to be focused and motivated to do good towards the self, humanity, and the universe itself.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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