It’s important that we always establish a mindset of acquiring as much knowledge as we can, working on to master our intrinsic ability of self-learning. The moment we start mastering our intrinsic ability of self-learning, it’s the moment we understand how to start producing knowledge and wisdom on our own, attaining the clarity of mind required to face darkness and deal with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. It’s only when we attain such a stage in our personal evolution that we become confident enough to completely eliminate fear from the self, establishing a strong, resilient yet peaceful posture to deal with anything aside from our love nature we’ve contact with in the present moment.

Let’s keep consciousness at hand, performing our body and mind training in order to attain higher levels of peace of mind, also implying the capability of stepping on higher stages of our personal evolution. Let’s establish a consistent and solid posture, enabling us to stand strong and tall before the presence of darkness in the surroundings, understanding we’ve all we need deep within to surpass our own limits, or any challenge or difficulty life imposes on us.

We’re awesome creatures of love gifted with intrinsic abilities of being kind, compassionate, and loving one another in a conscious and meaningful way. We’re also capable of learning how to use the knowledge we’ve acquired in our favour, clearly segregating an illusion we’ve contact with from the reality we experience in the present moment.

It’s also important we take time to make an effort to boost our inner strength in a way that we can resist the poisoning we’re subjected to while living in an illusory society, where possessions and money have more value than anything else (including knowledge). Unfortunately, such a conditioned mindset grants our word much more credibility, which in wrong hands can be used for harming others, spreading fake news, and generating chaos in the environment we’re inserted into. Thus, we need to be alert to what happens within and in the surroundings, being conscious to draw suitable strategies to support walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

The moment we realise that jealousy is a huge trace of darkness, it’s the moment we understand we aren’t defined by what others think or say about ourselves.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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