It’s our personal duty being prepared to face the unknown, getting ready to deal with dishonest, dishonoured, and deceptive people who always attempt to harm the lives of others behind the scenes. We always need to have (at least) one card hidden with us and ready to get at hand if required to deal with some issue we’re facing in the present moment. Building up such cards requires knowledge, and that capability gets mastered and sharpened if, and only if, we use the wisdom we acquire along the process of living. It’s only when we realise there’re unconscious minds who live to harm others, that we’re able to understand the problem isn’t their existence but the lack of preparation we’ve to deal with them in a conscious and meaningful way. Thus, let’s take the opportunity to perform our body and mind training, being prepared for the unknown, always.

In the middle of our daily life activities, we always need to be prepared to deal with dishonest, dishonoured, and deceptive behaviours, which are intended to harm lives. The duty is ours, although we’ve no control of people who are dishonest, dishonoured, and deceptive behind our back.

The moment we wake up to realise that people who are jealous of anything we possess or are working on to acquire will attempt to harm us, eventually, it’s the moment we understand those unconscious minds will attempt to harm us, whether we’re hidden/isolated. They always go after someone they target as a threat, which implies the jealousy of considering themselves as superior race/group, and making the progress, evolution, or anything the target person does to enhance an act of disrespect regarding “their superiority as a better race/group”.

The moment we realise how to boost the beautiful light we’ve deep within, it’s the moment we understand how to draw suitable strategies for dealing with the unknown within our own perspective and relativity.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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