We need to be aware of how important keeping consciousness at hand is, enabling us to prevent being a slave of our own suffering. We can only recognise the presence of darkness in the surroundings if we’re conscious enough to observe it through our third eye. We can only draw suitable strategies to diminish the negative influence of such a presence on the self if we’re prepared to deal with the unknown. It’s just a matter of time and motivation attaining the clarity of mind required to perform our body and mind training in a way that we get strong and resilient against darkness, walking the path towards a meaningful life no matter the circumstances.

Being conscious is the key to realise and understand what happens in the present moment. Let’s use the priceless pieces of knowledge we’ve at hand to draw suitable strategies for facing the presence of darkness in the surroundings, dealing with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into.

Let’s cultivate and nurture the beautiful light we’ve deep within, walking towards total alignment with our love nature and the universe itself. We can do it if we understand we’re able to do it consciously and meaningfully.

Let’s be brave to do the right thing, even if we’re the only one doing that. The more conscious we’re, the better we understand how to walk the path towards a meaningful life even when we get surrounded by darkness for a very long time.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1533AxfhPpV2wbkGKolCFHxN7JBc846ta/view?usp=drivesdk

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