When we are facing the presence of darkness in the surroundings we know we’ve a lifetime duty to fulfil, understanding we need to deal with dishonest, dishonoured, and deceptive actions attempting to cause harm towards the self and others. Every single day, we know exactly what needs to be done to create an hermetically-closed private space where we can perform our body and mind training to attain higher levels of peace of mind in a conscious and meaningful way. As a consequence, when the heart of our privacy gets violated in an attempt to cause harm towards the self and others, we know exactly what we need to do to defend life against such a violation, i.e., the presence of darkness in the surroundings, whether we can do it in the present moment. The more aware of what we can and cannot do in the present moment to deal with the presence of darkness in the surroundings, the better we draw suitable strategies to care about life as the ultimate goal, protecting innocent people from dishonest, dishonoured, and deceptive actions performed by darkness in an attempt to generate chaos in the environment we’re inserted into.

It’s extremely important we understand why we need to perform our body and mind training in a conscious and meaningful way, getting prepared to deal with anything, anywhere, and in any circumstance. It’s also important to understand that people who’ve embraced darkness use little or nothing of their intrinsic ability to think, which may imply having the development of their capability of reasoning compromised. Everything related to darkness is belief-based instead of knowledge-based, which means that most of the time darkness’ followers aren’t able to understand what they’re doing is wrong, and what the consequences of keeping doing dishonest, dishonoured, and deceptive actions to cause harm are.

When we keep consciousness at hand we understand that the heart of our privacy is a place we’re alone or with others we’ve clearly allowed to share the same space with us, i.e., the fundamental right of our privacy is non-negotiable. It’s in private spaces we perform our body and mind training and practise what we’re training for so long, which implies that violations of such private spaces disturb and slow down the pace we use to attain the results we’re intended to attain. Unfortunately, darkness isn’t able to understand that, and therefore, we need to get prepared to make tough decisions and perform tough actions to defend life against any type of dishonest, dishonoured, and deceptive actions attempting to cause harm towards the self and others sharing a private space with us.

Let’s be brave and fear the presence of darkness in the surroundings no more. The more we’re aware of the unlimited power we’ve deep within, the better we understand defending life is always the right thing to do, and when applying defensive manoeuvres to care about life as the ultimate goal, there’s no regrets if, and only if, our mind is at peace.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1owmp2gXdGmSDWDIUuDHoqLmYQStVd9N_/view?usp=drivesdk

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