Dealing with violations of fundamental human rights also implies identifying and recognising we aren’t in the right place where those rights are truly enforced. Let’s imagine we’re in a warzone, in the middle of the battlefield. It’s extremely difficult, or almost impossible, to enforce fundamental human rights within a conflict zone. In order to get out of the battlefield without any harm, we need to find a way of heading towards a place outside the borders of the conflict, ideally using a strategy that requires no fighting. However, we need to get prepared for fighting if it’s required to guarantee our freedom away from the battlefield. Let’s not mistake getting away from the battlefield as desertion. On the contrary, getting away from the battlefield in a conscious and meaningful way is ensuring we’re protecting life as the ultimate goal, getting better prepared for dealing with the true reasons of the conflict, using our wisdom from a place and position where our physical integrity and fundamental human rights are secured. Let’s remember: the troubled mind is the one who thinks of being a member of a superior race or group, granting themselves the rights to do anything with anyone they consider inferior. Let’s get prepared for facing that type of troubled mind, preventing the inversion of control that is almost impossible to observe and identify from outside of our own perspective and relativity. The more we’re aware of that, the better we understand how unlimited the power we’ve deep within is.

 Let’s perform our body and mind training in a way we get prepared to deal with troubled minds who think they’re members of a superior race or group, granting themselves the rights to do anything with anyone they consider inferior. Those troubled minds, who—the majority of the time—act in the shadows and bend the common laws, have the goal of applying an inversion of control related to our intrinsic ability of keeping consciousness at hand. We need to be prepared for dealing with the situation when the right time comes.

Let’s remember we aren’t alone, although the dirty tactics of darkness applied to enforce the aforementioned inversion of control may fabricate an illusion we’re. Let’s get clear in our mind that we’re its rightful ruler. Our true power and influence have a huge impact deep within. Let’s forget about the outside. 

A troubled mind who thinks of being a member of a superior race or group isn’t our problem. As a consequence, we cannot neither rule nor control their actions. We can learn how to create suitable strategies for dealing with the negative energy those troubled minds bring to the table. That’s our true power.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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