It’s important we learn a wise way to use the mirror teaching when converting negative energy into a positive outcome, reflecting back only the deteriorative side-effects such a contact with a huge amount of negative energy can generate. It’s only when we master such type of conversion, which also requires mastering the art of keeping consciousness at hand when holding a huge amount of energy aside from our love nature, that we can start experiencing the wonderful results of increasing our physical strength, augmenting our resilience against anything aside from our love nature, and enabling us to feed on such negativity without getting either poisoned or conditioned. If you have difficulty to picture the process, let’s remember the fictional character Hulk, and the scene where he absorbs a huge amount of gamma radiation to save the day, increasing both its physical strength and peace of mind that has led him to eventually use the intelligence of Bruce Banner while in the form of the giant green beast. The moment we realise how to enrol into a similar process, it’s the moment we understand how to spend less inner energy when in contact with a huge source of negative energy on the outside, considering our training is still not at a stage where we can do the same spending almost no inner energy.
It’s important we learn how to use the negative energy we’ve contact with on the outside in our favour. We need to realise and understand how to wisely use the mirror teaching to spend as less as inner energy possible when having
contact with negative energy on the outside, reflecting back the deteriorative side-effects while preventing being either poisoned or conditioned by that type of energy.
The moment we learn how to do that, it’s the moment we start understanding that type of conversion as a last resource, i.e., considering our training is still at a stage where the amount of negativity we have contact with is so huge that we would spend so much positive (inner) energy facing it if not being able to get far away from such a negative source. That’s the adaptive power we’ve deep within, which has the strong requirement of keeping consciousness at hand no matter the circumstances.
Let’s learn and adapt to face the presence of darkness in the surroundings, as well as the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into.
Let’s be brave, walking the path towards a meaningful life in order to become a strong source of light totally aligned with our love nature.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
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