It’s important we recognise the presence of darkness in the surroundings to be aware of what really happens in the present moment. One thing that needs to be very clear in our mind is that darkness’ followers have lost their ability to think, which means they’ve been conditioned to behave using the same patterns. If we keep consciousness at hand, we’re able to easily identify such patterns. Another important thing that needs to be clear in our mind is that darkness fears conscious beings in a magnitude that even if we’re surrounded by thousands of its followers, it’s like being surrounded by no one. People who have the goal to harm others are cowards, and they’ve been conditioned to be cowards at the very sense of the word. Thus, although it’s important to get prepared to deal with the unknown, which includes exceptions aside from that rule, let’s keep consciousness at hand to understand cowards don’t bite, i.e., most of the time the one who is attempting to harm us is the one doing it on our back because they’re so afraid of us that they lack courage of doing anything directly. And the pattern/protocol they follow is crystal clear: the goal is to achieve an inversion of control, i.e., causing unconscious and brainless reactions no matter the circumstances. Let’s understand the more conscious we’re, the better we can use the common laws to navigate the illusions of the society we’re part of, facing the presence of darkness in the surroundings in a conscious and meaningful way.

Let’s be aware and awaken to identify and recognise the presence of darkness in the surroundings. It’s essential we learn how to do that in a conscious and meaningful way, using the common laws to navigate the illusions of the society we’re part of.

We need to realise, most of the time, that observing issues in what we’re doing, or even observing issues not related with something we’re doing in the environment we’re inserted into, clearly represents the presence of darkness in the surroundings of the issue being observed. Let’s pay attention to the patterns of the behaving protocol being followed. Such patterns are easily identified, and therefore, we can learn them to prevent being deceived by the tricksters applying that protocol.

We need to use our brain power, consciousness, and third eye to see the sight beyond sight. The more we do that, the easier and better we can face and deal with anything aside from our love nature, which implies having contact with and using negative energy in our favor without getting poisoned, keeping the essence of our love nature feeding the beautiful light we’ve deep within.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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