One essential lesson we need to learn is how to summon all negative energy we’ve contact with to produce a result that benefits the self and other innocent people, as well as genuine and conscious minds who face darkness and deal with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to every single day. The idea is very simple although it takes motivation, training, and practising for doing so. The principle starts with us polarising our body and mind with similar vibrations of the negative energy we’ve contact with, instead of creating an energy field with opposite vibration, i.e., creating an energetic resistance. There’s a small secret: we keep consciousness at hand and peace of mind no matter the circumstances, cancelling the deteriorative side-effects of that energy we’re vibrating into. In that way, we’re capable of spending much less energy dealing with a huge source of negativity than we would spend in other ways. Let’s remember this method is effective if, and only if, we’ve no option of getting away from the source of negative energy we’ve contact with while performing our body and mind training. We’re always much stronger if we keep our body and mind totally aligned with our love nature during our training. The moment we learn how to summon the negativity we’ve contact with in a conscious and meaningful way, it’s the moment we understand we’ve found the half mark of the journey, where we’re stronger than unconscious and conditioned minds yet weaker if compared to conscious people who can properly train their body and mind away from negativity and totally aligned with our love nature.

Let’s adapt and get prepared to face darkness and deal with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. It’s important we create suitable strategies to step into our personal evolution, no matter the circumstances. It’s a matter of survivability and caring about life as the ultimate goal, which implies never (ever) kneeling before darkness and hatred culture.

It’s extremely important we understand the difference between right and wrong, using any type of negative energy we’ve contact with to produce positive results that contribute to our personal evolution and the universe itself. We can channel negativity and convert it into strength, resilience, and robustness, implying an extremely solid posture that is hard to be defeated by any source of negativity, even knowing we’re far from tapping into the higher levels of our unlimited inner power, which is fed by our love nature.

Let’s learn, adapt, and be a steady source of light.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

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