We need to be aware of what happens in the present moment, realising the types of threats we need to deal with, which have a clear and direct relation to who we really are. With the dominance of hatred culture, and the growing pattern of disregarding the merit and knowledge of people who don’t come from wealthy families, we need to acquire as much knowledge as we can, getting prepared to face the presence of darkness in the surroundings and deal with the negative conditioning we’re subjected to in the environment we’re inserted into. It’s important to be aware of the presence of dishonoured people within our family and different groups we’re members of, understanding those people can be jealous of our progress and success, which implies an additional care regarding who we talk to and share information with. As a measure of care, keeping distance from dishonoured people, and establishing a family and group of close friends who’re honoured and have the back of one another, is ideal. If by any chance or circumstances the presence of darkness in the surroundings doesn’t allow us to get close to honoured people, it’s much better learning how to be well and happy alone than letting dishonoured people get close to us. Learning how to be well alone implies being able to be resilient against a knife, sword, or anything hitting our back.

Let’s remember what honour represented in ancient civilisations, and how those ancient civilisations who cared about life as the ultimate goal behaved, establishing cooperation and collaboration between tribes. Collaboration instead of exploration.

If we remember the recent colonisation period of past centuries, we can clearly distinguish colonies established in a cooperative manner from colonies that were heavily explored, which have implied the loss of their native cultures performed by the ones who want full control and dominance of the territory. The results of exploratory colonisation were catastrophic. Elders, fertile women, and injured people were killed. Men have become slaves, and children were conditioned with another doctrine and culture, shaping the way they behaved. Similarity with what we’re experiencing in the present moment may be just a coincidence (or not).

Following the honoured path that leads us to respect fundamental human rights is essential. The moment we realise how to face the presence of darkness in the surroundings while finding a way to secure those aforementioned rights within our own perspective and relativity, it’s the moment we understand what honour is, and why dealing with dishonoured people requires developing a strong posture capable of breaking a knife, sword, or anything hitting our back.

Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓

Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).

Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MNxzNGSQ6OLLt0R87dUhllLPEPGE0vvt/view?usp=drivesdk

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