We need to learn how to consciously cultivate, nurture, and manifest the beautiful light we’ve deep within. It’s such an unlimited and powerful source of energy that we can use both to step into our personal evolution and defend ourselves while facing the presence of darkness in the surroundings. The moment we realise how to consciously tap into the beautiful light we’ve deep within, it’s the moment we understand how powerful we become just by focusing on our own evolution instead of the deterioration of whatever we’re facing and dealing with in the environment we’re inserted into.
Focusing on our personal evolution. That’s an essential lesson we need to learn in order to boost the results obtained while performing our body and mind training. Instead of focusing on the outside, let’s pay more attention to self-enhancement, which leads us to easily surpass anything we’re facing, sometimes without even noticing it, i.e., we lose contact with the outside, what we’re paying attention to before shifting the mindset.
It’s not the outside that makes us stronger but our intrinsic ability to enhance. However, it just becomes effective when we develop our capability of reasoning, observing, analysing, and understanding how we can make progress considering the current situation we’re experiencing in the present moment.
The easiest way of training is adapting the way we interact with the environment we’re inserted into, fitting a known and well-established method of performing our body and mind training, which leads us to have a predictable, and sometimes, very restricted schedule. How about changing the mindset, looking to things using a different perspective, and therefore, adapting our training to the way we interact with the environment we’re inserted into, which considers we’ve little or no control of the outside?
The moment we find out how to perform our body and mind training whatever we’re experiencing, it’s the moment we understand what that training is all about.
Namaste 💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
Written by Jeferson Souza (thejefecomp).
Available also in a signed pdf version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IODDxKT7HvkLUUrVqP9teyrAIAar0Ti3/view?usp=drivesdk